The house was impressive, a thirties detached villa set in it’s own gardens. Lulu’s parent’s were away on holiday, the house was empty. The lounge was spacious and comfortably furnished with several armchairs and an old sofa. One wall, which faced out onto the garden, had been completely replaced by floor to ceiling glass patio doors.
I pushed the armchairs back against one wall and the sofa up against the other, creating a large empty space in the centre of the room. Through the cold glass, dusk had given way to evening, the dark shapes of the houses and trees at the bottom of the garden were fast disappearing into the dark. I tugged the curtain cord, the heavy drapes slid across the expanse of double glazing, blocking out the suburban night and forming a backdrop to the space I had cleared.
I settled into one of the armchairs. Behind me the lounge door whispered open, Lulu walked into the room, she was naked except for a pair of black stilettos she clutched over her breasts. She looked plain, an ordinary office girl trudging home after a hard day at work. As she plodded passed my chair I cracked a back handed slap across her right buttock sending her sqealing back out of the room to do as she had been originally instructed. A minute later I sensed the door opening, Lulu re-entered. Gone was the typing pool frump, she looked magnificent.
Lulu was designed to wear stilettos. the high heels shortened her step, exaggerating the sway of her hips and the gentle bounce of her breasts. She had lost a little weight recently but her breasts had retained that heavy 'fifties' look and still hung out impressively. The previous week I had shaved off her pubic hair. At first she had complained but now she enjoyed the sensation. Her 'bald fanny' as she called it, made her feel more naked more owned by her master. Lulu stood in front of me.
"What do you want me to do?" she asked coyly.
I ordered her to walk around the room, to make herself at home. She moved around the space I had made for her, her hands casually at her sides as if she was walking around Sears on a Saturday afternoon. I beckoned to her. She made her way to my chair. I knew she wanted me to stroke between her legs, she shifted her weight from one heel to the other. I ran my fingers gently over the cheeks of her backside but stopped short of tracing a line down towards her rectum. I pushed her hard enough to propel her away from me ordering her to go and stand in the opposite corner of the lounge. She stood like naughty little girl, her hands held behind her back in an attempt to hide her backside from me.
"Open the curtains", I could see her breathing quicken in response to my command, she reached out and slowly pulled on the drawer string. The drapes glided open, revealing a perfect reflection of the lounge in the dark glass of the patio doors.
"Turn around, come to the middle of the room", I said quietly.
Lulu hesitated in her corner, shifting her weight nervously. She turned to face me, there was a subtle change in her demeanor that really excited me. She had been comfortable to parade naked, playing the slut for me, safely hidden behind the curtains. Now, as she took her first steps away from the privacy of her corner, it was a different matter. I could see she was driven by the adrenaline of danger, she glanced at her reflection in the patio doors, she couldn't see out but anyone could see in. She took up her position in the centre of her 'stage', her eyes fixed on mine. I told her to turn towards the window, she half turned to the patio doors. My view was perfect, two naked Lulus. She stood slightly at an angle to the glass, her feet together one leg relaxed across the other. Her fingers linked demurely in front of her hid her smooth cunt from prying eyes. I could see her eyes darting from me to her reflection.
"Now what shall I do?", she asked anxiously.
I adjusted her position, hands behind back, legs apart, face the doors. Now there was no hiding from any peeping toms, she was totally on display from tip to stiletto.
I issued my commands making her bend, touch, squeeze and show herself off to her unseen audience. Lulu responded a little awkwardly at first but I sensed she was crossing barriers, breaking taboos. She had already come a long way from the outwardly prim suburban daddy’s girl I had met twelve months earlier. I had gradually broken down her fragile attitudes with carefully organised sessions of conditoning. I had introduced her to some high class bondage porn, some dirty videos of sluts being spanked. Each session pushed back her inhibitions a little further nudging awake the dormant submissive slut I knew she could become.
Her movements became more relaxed, she gazed at her reflection as I made her perform. The atmosphere in the lounge was electric, the thrill for me wasn't just seeing Lulu performing like some cheap lap dancer. There was a powerful sense that I had pushed her to a new depth. Now she revelled in her shocking behavior, in the possibility that her suburban neighbours may see her naked, parading herself for some man's perverted pleasure. I snapped my fingers and pointed to the cane and coil of rope I had laid out on the sideboard.
Lulu moved about the room fetching the rope and bamboo cane I had placed on the side board, her boobs moved exquisitely over her chest as her five inch stilettos forced her into a sluttish undulating, short- stepped gait which made her ass sway in a whorish way. She approached me with the coil of rope and the cane held out as if on a tray. I motioned for her to turn and display herself to me. As she turned, the thrill of her new role spilled down from her cunt in a glittering snail trail of girl lube that varnished the inside surface of her snow white thighs.
I pushed myself up from my chair and took the rope from her and placed the cane in Lulu’s mouth, in a classic doggy bone pose. I pulled her hands behind her, tricing her wrists together high between her shoulder blades, she whimpered quietly as I tightened the loop around Lulu’s wrists. I passed each end of the rope under her armpits and moved in front of her. Firmly tugging the ends to take up any slack, I watched with satisfaction her shoulders and tits jiggle as I tightened the ends and knotted them over the centre of her chest. Lulu shifted her body weight to her other foot, I was certain I could here a slushing sound coming from Lulu’s vagina as she scissored her thighs together, I crouched down to hobble her with a short 12” length of rope linking her ankles. As I tied the loops around her legs my face was level with her snatch, the smell of pheromones oozing from her cleanly shaved slit was powerful enough to make my cock immediately sit up and take notice. To investigate further I parted Lulu’s thighs with my fingers, her cunt lips were swollen and dripping with shiny juice that was actually making spot stains on the new berber carpet.
I finished knotting Lulu’s ankles together, leaving her about seven inches of free rope between them to move about, albeit with difficulty. I then turned my attention back to her juicy cunt, I gently slipped my forefinger into her slippery slit and searched out her clit hood, teasing her erect clitoris out into the open. Lulu moaned through her teeth that were still obediently clenched around my cane. She staggered a little on her heels, stretching her hobble rope taut between her slender ankles, she strained her pelvis forward to offer my exploring finger better access. I took the cane still held obediently between her teeth, noting that Lulu’s chin was covered in the slimy drool that she had been unable to swallow because of the cane wedging open her jaw. I worked the cane up between her legs sliding it’s length backwards and forwards over her labia and clit hood. This drove Lulu wild, she bent her knees and wriggled her hips trying to increase the maddeningly gentle pressure that slithered over her sex to help her come. She was panting and groaning half in ecstasy half in frustration at being denied her orgasm. The cane looked polished as it slid slowly out of her slit, I moved behind her parted her buttocks and slipped the cane in her tight canyon for safe keeping whilst I let my fingers do the wanking.
I eased my fingers deep into Lulu’s vagina and around her labia collecting copious amounts of sticky lube which I liberally smeared over the shaved area that she was now so proud of. Lulu moaned softly,”that’s soo horny, I can smell my own cunt - God I really stink bad”. The cunt aroma rose from her vagina like a heady perfume, it was incredibly horny. I stooped to collect another load and looked up at Lulu, she looked down eagerly licking her lips in anticipation of her treat. I stood up and offered Lulu her own juice, she greedily licked my fingers clean, lapping up the gooey fluid. I drew my fingers over her sex once more and this time smeared the fluid around her mouth and under her cute little turned-up nose so she would, from now on, smell nothing but her own cunt.
I let my finger search out her clit again, just for a few seconds, until Lulu was on the verge of orgasm. She squirmed and writhed over my teasing finger, filling the lounge with the music of her high pitched oohs and aahs. As her body began to tremble toward orgasm, I eased my finger away and reached behind her pumping hips where the cane was dutifully gripped between her superbly rounded buttocks.
She gulped, “Please keep wanking my cunt, please”.
I reached back between her legs and found that bullet hard clit, almost instantly she was again on the brink of orgasm. Just as her eyes rolled up in ecstasy I swung the cane across her buttocks. She stumbled forward yelping, her eyes widened in pain. I struck her again, the noise was fantastic as the old garden cane (still a little grubby with soil) cracked against her beautiful white cheeks. Lulu panted in shock, “n n no, please no, it hurts”. I gently caressed her freshly striped cheeks.
“You’ll grow to love it, beg for this dirty old cane even, I’ll train you to come at the mere sight of it.. understand.. you fucking slut”.
She nodded shyly. “Yes Bob... I.. understand”.
“You’d better learn to call me Master from now on, do you understand that?”
“Yes Master I understand”
“So let’s have a little test, Who am I?”, I flexed the cane.
“You are my Master”. Lulu replied quickly.
“What are you?”.
“Your slut Master”
I swung the cane across the front of her thighs, Lulu doubled over in fright, I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up straight.
“Awww n n no... ouch..your fucking slut Master’” she whimpered.
“That’s better, but I’m not sure about all this jabbering you’re doing, we’d better fix that right now”. I pulled an old rag I had found in the gutter out of my bag, it was grimy and looked foul. Lulu’s eyes widened in horror. I moved behind her pulling her shoulders back to me, she shook her head from side to side trying to avoid the rag going anywhere near her precious mouth. It was a good game but eventually her neck tired and I was able to grasp her nose shut with one hand and force her head back.
Lulu gamely held her breath for as long as she could knowing that the minute she opened her mouth for vital air that disgusting rag would be waiting to occupy her. After a few seconds of feeble struggle Lulu was obliged to gasp for air, I rammed the rag in between her teeth her tongue trying to expel the foul tasting object at the same time as avoid it. Lulu had lost the battle, with her nose blocked and her mouth half filled with her new gag she had no choice but to open her mouth even wider in her instinctive search for breath. I of course took advantage of Lulu’s instinct to feed the rest of the rag into her mouth until her cheeks were bulging and her ruby red lips shaped into a gorgeous ‘O’ shape. I released her nose and she sucked in a huge breath through her nostrils, before she could think about working her tongue behind her gag I double looped a cord around her head bisecting those lovely O shaped lips and thus ensuring the horrible rag was nicely held in. I tied the rope with difficulty as Lulu’s head bucked and pecked trying in vain to rid herself of the rag that filled her mouth. It was another good game but Lulu had limited energy and with her restricted access to oxygen, through only her nostrils, she soon quietened down. Standing with her head bowed from her exertions, her breaths laboured noisily in and out of her nostrils. I ruthlessly tied off the rope at the back of Lulu’s neck, tight enough for the O shape of her lips to be cruelly compressed into an hourglass shape.
“Happy now, slut? Let’s show you off to the neighbours”. I tugged her along by the spare rope ends that dangled down between her tits. She looked at me pathetically, her tongue and mouth worked against the filthy gag that filled her mouth, the disgust she tasted distorting her pretty features. The huge gag also elongated her face forcing the skin below her eyes to be stretched downwards. The effect of the oversized gag was to change her outward character dramatically, it made her look slightly simple and robbed her of any remaining dignity.
I maneuvered her into the centre of the room in front of the glass doors, she eyed the cane warily as I passed the spare rope knotted over her boobs under the hobble rope between her ankles. I moved behind her, what a great view. Lulu ass was sensational, set off by her tiny 22” waist, I noticed with satisfaction that two red diagonal welts had appeared on each cheek. I pulled the rope from behind which had the effect of forcing Lulu to bend forward, she struggled to stay upright but the rope sliced down into the soft flesh of her boobs like a cheese cutter forcing her to drop her shoulders and stick her ass out for me. The more I pulled the lower she bent. I pulled hard until she was bent almost double and her buttocks were nicely spread. Whilst crouched behind, her tying off the rope to her left high heel, I couldn’t resist burying my tongue deep into her splayed vagina, in the reflection I could see the doubled over Lulu writhing in ecstasy, she liked that.
What a picture of perversion she made, I imagined the peeping toms of the neighbourhood wanking themselves silly at the outrageous sex show the quiet, mousy girl from the nice house in the close was putting on. I licked her to the point of orgasm again then stood back and retrieved the cane. Lulu moaned, straining to look pleadingly around at me over her stooped shoulder. I took a couple of practice swings with the cane making it whine through the air. Lulu’s muffled cries and moans increased but were barely audible past my efficient gag. I positioned myself to the side and swung the cane swiftly across each upturned cheek in turn, converting the two diagonal stripes into two red X’s. Lulu grunted and rocked on her heels at the impact of each stroke. I fitted the cane in the fold of her pinioned arms and let my fingers console Lulu by seeking out her clit. She may not like her ass being caned but her cunt sure did, it was sloppier than ever.
“Good little slut, there,there, your my good little whore aren’t you?” I cooed, Lulu’s muffled mumbles were like music to my ears.
I crouched down to ease off her bending rope that was tied off to her left heel, and once again I felt obliged to mop up the oozing lube that was pumping from her throbbing cunt. I drilled my tongue over her erect clit until she fell awkwardly to her knees in a wracking orgasm, her hips convulsed but I had gripped her thighs with both hands and my tongue was still busily working away deep in that juicy cunt. Lulu wriggled and moaned as she came several more times. I sat back on my armchair admiring my handiwork, Lulu looked totally abused, laying on the floor her eyes, half closed in ecstasy, looked at her ass reflected back at her in the dark glass of the doors. She looked totally trussed up, fucked, used and abused, her eyes swung round to me, behind her gag she smiled sweetly. She was now officially addicted to her role as slut for her Master.
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